
Trim Capital Management is pleased to offer investors the opportunity to invest in the Trim Capital Select Mortgage Fund (Fund).

The Fund has a strong focus on capital preservation, pursuing a strategy with less volatility than traditional direct property investments. The Fund is suitable for investors who are seeking risk adjusted returns, underpinned by security over real property assets and whom have a medium-term investment horizon.

The loans are secured over real property, predominantly Australian residential property. Other security types may include commercial property and agricultural land.

Select Mortgage Fund

The Fund is a contributory mortgage fund which allows investors to choose which loans they wish to invest in as they become available. Investors can select opportunities which satisfy their investment goals and risk appetite, including loan to valuation ratio, geography, security type, targeted return and duration.

The loans feature repayment of principal and accumulated interest together at maturity and are typically under 24 months in tenor.

The Fund does not invest in construction or development mortgages, which reduces the risk to investors from these activities.

Eligible Investors

You are eligible to invest in the Trim Capital Select Mortgage Fund if you are a Wholesale Client (Eligible Investor) as defined in section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001.

The minimum investment amount is A$500,000 unless otherwise agreed by the Trustee.